Questions to Ask in an Interview

Questions to ask potential employees in an interviewFinding the right candidate for any position is a daunting task, and in today’s climate one you want to get right. The interview is the second interrogation stage and is the part of the recruitment process that will give you the best indication as to whether the candidate is right for the job, and a perfect fit for your company culture. Here are the top 3 Questions we recommend you ask.

  1. Why are you leaving your current position?

This question alone will give you so much insight into the person you are interviewing, and should give you an indication of their values and future career goals. Maybe there wasn’t enough room for growth in the position, maybe too much. Maybe they wanted more responsibility, maybe not so much.

This question can really give you an indication of what the candidate is like … of course they aren’t going to tell you anything negative about themselves, but you should be able to tell by their body language and the way they answer the questions, what their motivations were for leaving.

  1. What do you love about your current position?

This one usually catches interviewees off guard, and can help you determine if they really know their stuff. Every business wants to employee passionate people, and people who are passionate know their stuff. By delving into this question, you will ultimately be able to see what makes this potential employee tick, and if it matches the job description that is up for offer.

Furthermore, people are usually passionate about things they are good at. So they will highlight areas where their strengths lie and ultimate divulge the areas they will dedicate much of their energy.

  1. How can your skills benefit my business?

This is an oldie, but certainly a goodie. This one question will assess whether or not the candidate has done their research on your business. The candidate that has looked into your business is one that probably really wants the job.

Think of it as a way for the candidate to pitch ‘their brand’ to your business. This one question allows them to sell their skills and knowledge to you.

Employing staff is pivotal to every Australian business. High staff turnover costs businesses a fortune – so employing good staff and retaining them should be of the highest priority for senior management.

Keeping and retain staff is also a key element required by every business to ensure maximum results from your staff.

We take our recruitment process very seriously at Corporate Sound and if you are looking at a career in audio engineering, voiceovers or creative copywriting, then we would love to hear from you.   

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