3 Ways to Sabotage Your Social Media Strategy

sabotageSocial Media marketing is new territory for many businesses. This can make it feel like a minefield of no man's land, especially to business owners and marketing managers who are not familiar with the medium. It is very unlike previous and traditional forms of advertising that serves a very straighforward purpose and is only ever really done in one type of format. So what makes social media marketing so different? It involves more customer interaction. Check out the three top things you should not do when it comes to your business social media marketing. 

1. Issue blanket statements and press announcements. Yes, it is great news that you have created a new type of sandwich, but you will never grab the attention of your customers by prattling on about different cheeses or types of lunchmeat. Instead, put yourself in their shoes and think about what would appeal to them. What problems can your sandwich solve for them? By appealing to their needs and problems, you are providing the solutions they are looking for. 

2. Bore customers with too many details about your company and what makes it special. No one loves the guy who only ever talks about himself. Instead create opportunities for open conversation and discussions. When you ask their opinion, you might be suprised by what your customers are actually looking for. 

3. Listen to what customers are saying without really listening. Its too easy to use analytic and charting tools to monitor how many people have seen what. It might make for a pretty report with graphs to present to the boss, but do you know what it really means and how to interpret those results? Make sure you are actually listening to what people are saying on social media and use it as an opportunity to shape your business to fit their needs. 

At Corporate Sound, we are still learning and implementing the above ourselves, but we have learned that by providing quality voice overs at great prices with a fast turnaround, that our customers are responding and referring their friends and associates. Why not try us out today? Or follow us on our social media sites, facebook, twitter, or Linkedin?

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